100% Pure Castor Oil



100% Pure Castor Oil.






For the Hair (apply a small amount to hair and scalp):  For all hair types.Perfect for dreadlocks, twists, aids in hair growth, as a hair softener, dandruff control, and other hair styling needs.


For the Skin: As a massage oil, for skin irritations, boils, such as abrasions, acne, a skin cleanser, and facial oil. An excellent insect repelling agent.


For other body ailments: A pain reliever for joint stiffness, muscular pain, sprains, ear aches, arthritis, colic, colds, calluses, corns, toothaches and varicose veins. Castor Oil has multiple uses, because of it’s lymph stimulating properties.




The Wonders of Castor Oil Uses:

Day 1 


   Day 2

           1 Week

              2 Weeks




One Month







Item Number: 200704